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About Our eLearning Courses

We offer a variety of eLearning courses so you can expand your knowledge and skills anywhere, anytime.

Our online courses include:

  • Human Resources (HR)
  • Leadership and Management
  • Instructional design
  • Compliance training (EEO, OHS, Diversity & Inclusion etc.)
  • and more

Go to our course catalogue.

Discount for Organisations

Are you looking to enrol multiple users? Contact us to discuss a discount.

We can enrol your employees on our LMS or provide the SCORM package for you to deliver the eLearning. If using our LMS, we will provide reports to confirm learner progress and completion.

Customise Our Courses

Our courses can be tailored to your organisation.

We provide a range of customisation options, which include:

  • Branding (logo, colour palette, images, photos, etc.)
  • Links to internal workplace policies and procedures
  • Bespoke videos
  • Activities contextualised to your work environment
  • The creation of job aids and embedding activities to support learning transfer

Contact us for a quote.

Course Features

Our courses include a variety of features to create engaging, effective and appealing learning experiences.

Features include:

  • Modern look and feel: We use authoring tools that deliver content in a captivating way.
  • Responsive: No desktop? No worries! Our programs are compatible with a large range of devices, including smartphones, tablets and desktops, making learning convenient in time and place.
  • Easy Navigation: We use intuitive navigational features for a user-friendly experience.
  • Interactive Elements: We use a variety of interactive elements to actively involve participants in the learning process.
  • Knowledge Checks, Quizzes and Assessment: We use a variety of knowledge checks throughout our programs to allow learners to confirm their understanding before moving on. Quizzes and assessments are used to evaluate the learner’s knowledge and skills development and feed data to the LMS.
  • Multimedia: Embedding multimedia enhances engagement, strengthens understanding of concepts and increases knowledge retention. We can incorporate video, audio, images/galleries, attachments and links.
  • Branching Scenarios: Our branching scenarios allow learners to understand the cause and effect of certain decisions in a risk-free environment.
  • Infographics: Using images, graphics and infographics to create graphic visual representations of information, data, or knowledge is a great way to present information quickly and clearly.
  • Embedding Activities: These inspire learners to apply their new insights in the workplace to support learning transfer.